Monday, March 29, 2010


This is my new nephew Cole. Isn't he the cutest!! He is the first boy grandchild for my parents. There are 3 girls before him so it was time for a boy! I love him so much already!!

More pictures to come I am SURE!!!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010


I am going to pick this sweet little baby up this weekend and bring her home to live with us. We are so excited to be adding her to our little family. George CANNOT wait :-) GINGER

Ginger is the one on the right.....Isn't she too cute!!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My DAD.....

is coming to see me this weekend. I am SUPER EXCITED!!! My dad is my BFF......seriously. I love him so much and cannot wait for him to be here for a WHOLE week. He as to leave the Monday after Easter because my sister-in-law is being induced Monday (march 29th). Oh well......he will only be gone for 2 weeks and then him and mom are coming back through Montgomery on their way back to jax. Here are a few pictures of my dad..........I just love him!

My dad the Gator fan........yells WAR EAGLE just for me!!!

He's a BIG KID at heart!!

Some say we look alike....

The day before he "gave me away"......he said he never really could....

He loves Bob Ross......he paints better than him though!

We LOVE each other a little bit :-)

One of my FAVORITE moments


The real reason he is coming to see me this weekend is so he can babysit George for a week!!!!!!! I'm on to his tricks :-)

Monday, March 22, 2010

my BEST friend........

IS HAVING A BABY!!! I have been telling her for months.......scratch that YEARS that I was ready for her to have a baby. I know I know that is very selfish of me, I mean afterall it is her decision and not mine. So anyways she invited me over for lunch yesterday and gave me the GREAT news. I AM SO EXCITED that I do not know what to do with myself. This baby will ABSOLUTELY be spoiled rotten by me! I can promise you that. I have 3 nieces already and a nephew on the way that I NEVER get to see so this will hopefully make me not miss them so much. I need to throw in here that I think Taryn will be an INCREDIBLE mom. She is so great with kids............maybe not itty bitty babies, but when they get to be 2 she will be good to go ;-) I am so happy that I get to be here for all of her pregnancy stuff. I cannot wait to find out what she is having. I know what I hope she is having but I will keep that to myself so maybe I won't jinx it. Taryn, when you read this I just want you to know that I love you so much and I cannot wait for my new little niece of nephew to get here. This baby will be so loved. To baby Brodie........HURRY UP AND GROW ALREADY.......I WANT TO MEET YOU!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Darcy Lou

I get to spend the weekend with this girl! We are going to CHUCK E. CHEESE. I am so excited. I think James may be more excited than me and Darcy!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Leslie........GEORGE RAN AWAY!!

So today Started out with a bang! James called me while I was at work and told me that George had ran ME??? Ran away??? George the dog that practically walks under my feet when I go outside, the dog who HATES to be by himself, the dog who last time he got out of the back yard fence went around to the front door and cried and barked until we found him at the front door?? At first I thought James was kidding......Which was not a funny joke!! I soon realized he was not kidding. He could barely talk and I could tell he was out of breath. When I realized he was not kidding I started crying! I mean this is my little buddy, my baby, my SON!! That may sound super dramatic, but I do not have kids............HE IS MY KID! I digress... So I said did you check our neighbors yard? he LOVES our neighbors dog LIZZY. He was not there. James is running around our neighborhood while I am on the phone bawling at work.I need to throw in here too that at this point he was crying. If you know James at all you know he is NOT A CRYER AT ALL! That should show you how much we LOVE this dog. So at this point it has been about 10 minutes since he has been looking for him and he is on the next street over. I all the sudden hear, "GEORGE COME HERE"!!! I was SO relieved. He was on the next street over about 6 houses down. He only weighs 6 pounds and he is just a little bitty puppy. That was a LONG way for him to run away. When James was trying to get him he thought James was trying to play with him and he kept on running. James finally got him and took him home. I asked James if he "spanked" him when he got home and he said he did. My favorite part of this story is that James said the "talking" he gave to george probably hurt George worse than his spanking. I asked him what he told him and he said, " I said to him George, WHY DID YOU RUN AWAY?? IS YOUR LIFE HERE THAT BAD"??? I laughed so hard because I can just hear him saying this to him. Anyways George is home safely and I am GLAD!

Isn't he just the CUTEST thing you have ever seen?? I would have seriously had to have been committed if something would have really happened to him!! So anyways I have some other exciting news involving this little puppy.......

Her name is Ginger. Stayed Tuned for more info.