Monday, March 22, 2010

my BEST friend........

IS HAVING A BABY!!! I have been telling her for months.......scratch that YEARS that I was ready for her to have a baby. I know I know that is very selfish of me, I mean afterall it is her decision and not mine. So anyways she invited me over for lunch yesterday and gave me the GREAT news. I AM SO EXCITED that I do not know what to do with myself. This baby will ABSOLUTELY be spoiled rotten by me! I can promise you that. I have 3 nieces already and a nephew on the way that I NEVER get to see so this will hopefully make me not miss them so much. I need to throw in here that I think Taryn will be an INCREDIBLE mom. She is so great with kids............maybe not itty bitty babies, but when they get to be 2 she will be good to go ;-) I am so happy that I get to be here for all of her pregnancy stuff. I cannot wait to find out what she is having. I know what I hope she is having but I will keep that to myself so maybe I won't jinx it. Taryn, when you read this I just want you to know that I love you so much and I cannot wait for my new little niece of nephew to get here. This baby will be so loved. To baby Brodie........HURRY UP AND GROW ALREADY.......I WANT TO MEET YOU!!!

1 comment:

T. Brodie said...

I love you too! You are too sweet! I am so excited that there are people that will be close enough to spoil "it" constantly. I think you forgot to add the part about when I told you... handed you a pacifier and told you my mother-in-law gave it to me... you asked if she knew I wasn't pregnant... you then asked if I was... I nodded and you SCREAMED! Glad I could share it with you!