is coming to see me this weekend. I am SUPER EXCITED!!! My dad is my BFF......seriously. I love him so much and cannot wait for him to be here for a WHOLE week. He as to leave the Monday after Easter because my sister-in-law is being induced Monday (march 29th). Oh well......he will only be gone for 2 weeks and then him and mom are coming back through Montgomery on their way back to jax. Here are a few pictures of my dad..........I just love him!
My dad the Gator fan........yells WAR EAGLE just for me!!!

He's a BIG KID at heart!!

Some say we look alike....

The day before he "gave me away"......he said he never really could....

He loves Bob Ross......he paints better than him though!

We LOVE each other a little bit :-)

One of my FAVORITE moments


The real reason he is coming to see me this weekend is so he can babysit George for a week!!!!!!! I'm on to his tricks :-)