Monday, March 10, 2008


So James and I are going to Las Vegas March 25 - 29. NO WE ARE NOT GETTING MARRIED!!! Do you seriously think I would wait this long to elope to Las Vegas??? UMMMMMM..................NO WAY! Anyways moving on. When we were in Chrorus at Faulkner we did a tour from Montgomery to California and back. We sang at a church right outside of Vegas. We really only got to drive down the strip and go to one little gift Shop. We said that if we ever had the chance to go back we would. So we won this trip and we are SOOOOO excited. We have friends that live like 10 minutes outside of Vegas so they are going to hang out with us and take us to do things and so on! Please pray for a safe flight there and back and safety while we are there! Viva Las Vegas!!!


hollibobolli said...

I love LOVE Las Vegas.. when we talked about moving it was in my top 3 places to live. Tom just about had a heart attack - but I think it would be a blast!!! I've seen "O" twice - it is amazing!!

I could go on and on, but we're out of milk, apple juice AND water!!!

Kristy said...

Glad you found me too! Good to see you doing well! Did you go to LV yet? I'm just now reading about this, so you need to post another one if you went so I can hear about it!

BTW, i'm a blog addict.