So a couple of days ago I had taryn take some pictures of me and james. These are NOT engagement pictures but just some pictures I wanted taken so we would have some good pictures together to put put at the reception. I must say they turned out very well. I was so excited about them. So we are getting married in 11 days and I want to change the name of my blog but I have NO idea what to call it. Any suggestions would be appreciated. my last name will be powers so I am not too sure what I could do with that. Did I mention that I am getting married in ELEVEN days??? It is just right around the corner and believe it or not I am not stressed. I am just teady to be done with planning it. I just want to be married and be done with the wedding planning! Hope you enjoy the pictures!!!!!
Those pictures are super cute!!! Taryn did a great job!!! :)
If you didn't pick all the ones you were kissing in! It's about time you showed back up on here. I can't wait! As far as the new blog name, give me a few and I'll think of one.
You should name it, "The Powers That Be".
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