Okay so I know this is not the best quality of picture, but just work with me! DO you have those people in your life that no matter what happens you know they will be there for you?? Well the people in this picture are those people for me! We have known each other for about 7 years now and I cannot imagine my life without them in it! I will tell you what I think is special about each one them.
Let's start with Tiffany. Tiffany and I met my second year of college at Faulkner. Our boyfriends were just beginning to be friends so Tiffany and I started hanging out as well. Most of the time we would just sit around and watch James and Joey be silly and for some strange reason that brought us closer. It is funny to think about all of the inside jokes we have with each other today. I love Tiffany and am so glad that she is in my life. The more we hang out still, the more I like her.
Then there is Joey. Oh Joey what can I say. HE could possibly be one of the funniest people that I know! When he and James get together they just absolutely CRACK ME UP! Joey and James used to live together while they were in school and so I got to know Joey very well. He is one of the best friends I have and I know that whenever I need his help with something he will be there for me! I love Joey!
Next we have my "BFF" Chris. I met Chris when Taryn and I lived together at Faulkner. I like to take credit for setting them up! I used to not be too sure about Chris because I though he was so quiet......not I wish he would hush sometimes (just messing). IT is scary how much alike Chris and I are. Taryn says we are twins separated at birth. Funny side note: when Chris' mom was pregnant she said if she had a girl she would name her Leslie Gail because her middle name is gail and her hubby's middle name is Leslie. WEll.....my name is Leslie Gayle because my mom's name is Gayle and my dad's middle name is Leslie. Weird I know! Chris and I have so much similar taste in things and guess that is why we get along so good. Good thing he is not a girl though because there is not enough room for TWO Leslie Gayle's. I love Chris like he is my brother and I am so glad Taryn married him so I can hang out with him ALL THE TIME and he makes Taryn happy and that is good enough for me!
Taryn is my Best Friend! I love her so much! WE roomed together my second year at Faulkner and her Third year. We had never really talked too much to each other before we moved in. WE just knew that the other one needed a roommate so we thought we would try it. I had SO MUCH FUN living with her. She is the best roommate I have ever had! WE are just a like in almost all of our thinking. WE are both tom-boyish with a girly side we let come out ever now and then. She started dating Chris about a month before I started dating James so we had that in common too. The four of us started hanging out then, and have not stopped since then. Taryn has nominated herself as my maid-of-honor when I get married and I would not it any other way! I love her so much and sm so glad we decided to take a chance and room together. I do not think there is a week that goes by that we do not hang out at least once. WE both have puppies and they are a year apart. They are bff's too! How cool is that!!! Taryn if you are reading this please do not ever move away or if you do please take me with you! I would miss you WAY too much! I love you!
Then there is my James. I love this man with all of my being. He is my everything. I can honestly say that James is the funniest person I know! There is rarely a minute when we are not laughing at each other. He never bores me and I guess that is a good thing. HE loves me for who I am and I can be a handful sometimes so I love him for taking me as I am. He is such a caring person. If someone needs something or some help with something, you can bet he will be there if there is any way possible. James and I have been dating for almost 6 years (on-and -off a little), but whatever. I would talk all of the off times again if that is what it took to makes sure he wanted to be with me and only me. I remember the first time he met my family he said he felt like he was already a part of it and I was so thankful for that! We have been through so much our 6 years together. We have had 4 grand parents die, and now we are dealing with a divorce that is hard to swallow but we are getting through it together and we are making it. James' commitment to God, his family, his friends, and me are what makes him the person he is today and I love him so much!
Well now that I have written a novel I guess I will sign off! I hope everyone has friends like these people! I love everyone of them and am so grateful that they are in my life and I get to call them my friends!!!