That's how long I have been married. I can honestly say that it was the BEST day of my life! People kept telling me that I would be stressed but I really wasn't. I'm pretty sure that I was not a BRIDEZILLA either but you may want to check with taryn my BFF/MAID OF HONOR extraoidinerre (not sure how you really spell that). Taryn was AMAZING that weekend. She's always great but she understood that it was MY day and she did everything to make sure it was special and that I stayed calm. She worked her booty off too helping decorate the church. There are only two things I can think of that went wrong that weekend. Number one is that my mom FELL OFF OF THE STAGE at the church while helping decorate. Oh dear me if that did not just about make me have a heart attack. She really thought that she broke her arm/shoulder sp my brother took her to the hospital to get it x-rayed and THANK GOODNESS it was not broken. But oh my word was it BLACK & BLUE. Bless her heart she was so upset because she thought it was going to ruin the day. My mom may have been a BRIDEZILLA pre-stage fall but post-stage fall she calmed down Quite a bit. Anyways number two thing that did not go as planned was when Taryn was doing my hair the day of the wedding and my dad comes in and tells me the photographer (my uncle) may not make it because he has a SERIOUS family emergency and it could not be avoided. I was ok at this point because he said he would most likely be able to make it after the wedding and we could do pictures then, but my dad came back in the room about 10 minutes later and said that he most likely would not make it and that we could just use the cameras that people had there and take the pictures ourselves. OH MY WORD!!! Was he kidding??? Now that I know what my uncles situation was I would have TOTALLY understood him not making it but at the time I was SOOOO sad. I am pretty sure I cried for like 45 minutes straight and had to have my make-up re done. Did I mention that Taryn was the one that kept me calm during al of this?? Well to make a SHORT SOTRY LONG (haha), my uncle made it and all was well. The wedding was BEAUTIFUL and i was so happy to finaly be married and off to the HONEYMOON (wink wink). Married life is wonderful and I would not change a thing about it. Well I would let James work days instead of nights but with the economy the way it is I just thank God everyday that he has a job. Here are a few pictures of the wedding. Hope you enjoy!!
Oh and here is the picture of my mom's arm.......BLESS HER HEART!!!
So a couple of days ago I had taryn take some pictures of me and james. These are NOT engagement pictures but just some pictures I wanted taken so we would have some good pictures together to put put at the reception. I must say they turned out very well. I was so excited about them. So we are getting married in 11 days and I want to change the name of my blog but I have NO idea what to call it. Any suggestions would be appreciated. my last name will be powers so I am not too sure what I could do with that. Did I mention that I am getting married in ELEVEN days??? It is just right around the corner and believe it or not I am not stressed. I am just teady to be done with planning it. I just want to be married and be done with the wedding planning! Hope you enjoy the pictures!!!!!
So I have not blogged in a good minute so I just thought I would put up some pictures from recently. They are from Jamboree, the SNOW we had recently and Annie's visit. I had so much fun while she was here.