Proverbs 31:10 says, "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her prive is far above rubies".
Proverbs 31:30 says, Favor is decietful and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised".
I just wanted to take a minute to talk about the ladies in my family and in my life.
This picture is not all of the girls of the family, but it is a good most of them on my mom's side of the family. I LOVE THESE WOMEN. They bring joy to my heart and a smile to my face. No everything is not always peaches - n - cream, but I love them none the less. We are family and NOTHING will ever change that!!!!! My grandmother (let's call her the matriarch) is without a doubt one of the best women I know. She will go out of her way to do anything for anyone. Yes she is opinionated and yes she can be stubborn, but can't we all? I look up to her on so many levels. She is my world. Then there is Aunt Donna. She is seriously my second mother and I would not trade her for anything in the world. She has done so much for me and my family. I lovingly call her my BFF. That is what she is to me and I to her. She is a nut too. When she thinks something is funny she will go on about it for years ( seriously......YEARS), but that is why I love her. Then there is aunt Sherri. She is my mom's youngest brother's wife. She is such a sweet lady. I am so glad that we are getting close again. After I moved to Alabama I was not able to see her much, but when I go home now she is always there with the family. I cannot tell you how happy about this I am. Then there is Gloria. She is my mom's cousin. My second cousin. This woman is probably the nicest and sweetest person that I know. I cannot tell you how many times that she has helped a person out when she was really the one that needed help. I have never met a more giving person in my life and I am so glad that I can call her family. She is a trip and I love it! Then there's Rachel, Annie and Kels. These are my cousins. They are probably the 3 most fun people EVER! I am so close to them it is rediculous. We seriously are like sisters.............and we fight like it too. Not so much anymore, but Oh we used to. I know that I can tell any one of the three anything I want to and they will keep my secret till the day they die. I would trust them with my life. Growing up we seriously did everything together, and now that we are older it sometimes makes me sad that we do not live closer to each other. But things will never change between us no matter what. Everytime we are together all we do is laugh and cut up and remember all the fum we had as kids and what fun we are having in our lives now. I LOVE YOU THREE MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER KNOW. The little girl is Marley and she is my cousin Kelly's little girl. So precious. There are girls not in the picture. Brittany (my cousin adam's wife). I have grown to love her and appreciate her so much since she has been a part of our family. She made me nervous at first because she was so quiet, but now she talks and that makes me happy. She is an awesome person. Then there is Casie and her girls Conner and Caelyn. I could not have asked for a better sister-in-law and nieces. I love them so much already and am so excited that i get to call casie my sister. she is HILARIOUS too! I also have three little red-headed cousins that I do not see anymore. I love them so much and miss them more and more everyday. That is a long story but I just want them to know that I think about them everyday! Last but not least is my MOM! She truly is one of the best friends I have. We talk about everything and I have never been scared to tell her anything. She is the best role-model I could have ever hoped for and I am so glad that God chose her to be my mom. I do not know what I would do without her. She is a great Mother-in-law and also a terriffic MIMI. I wish I had her talents, but none of those were inherited. Man is she talented!! Mom, I love so much!!! I failed to mention that all of these women are Christian women. For that I am so thankful. They exemplify the virtuous woman talked about in proverbs so much!!
Now that I have bored everyone so much I hope you all have a great day and remember tell your family how much you appreciate them because you never know when you may not have the chance!!!