Okay! So I have had George for almost a week and I must say he is probably the greatest dog ever! He is so sweet and cuddly. He has not used the bathroom inside yet and I think that is pretty impressive. Everytime I take him outside and he potty's I give him a treat when we get back inside and I think this is working really well. At night he sleeps in his kennel (this is until I am sure he is fully potty trained. After that he will sleep on the bed with me but for right now he is so small too. I am afraid I might roll on top of him and hurt him. I guess he will be m a lot of my blog subjects because although I do not have kids......he is my BABY!!! The two pictures are of him bundled up in my sheets on my bed (he loves to be cozy), and the other is of him on the back of James' couch. He thinks he is a big boy! James loves my puppy and that is a good thing because George Pepper thinks James is is best friend! That's all for now!